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This document does not constitute and should not constitute an offer to sell and/or purchase rights in the partnership and/or to purchase and/or sell securities and/or any other financial instrument (Securities). This document does not constitute and should not constitute a basis for the evaluation of any Securities. Without detracting from the above, the information contained in the document in connection with the offer and/or issuance of Securities is indicative and preliminary information only and is intended for illustrative purposes only. An evaluation of the purchase and/or sale of Securities should be made solely based on original documents and/or data only.

This document has not been approved by the Securities Authority and it will only be distributed in a way that does not constitute an offer to the public in accordance with Articles 15 and 15a of the Securities Law, 5728-1968 (Securities Law). The Securities are offered and will be offered to a limited number of investors (35 investors or less in each 12-month period), who will be selected by MTHALES Ltd. and/or investors, up to a maximum number of 50 investors, listed in the first supplement to the Securities Law, as amended from time to time (Institutional Investors).
Purchase and/or sale of Securities will be made solely on the basis of a private offer document (or other offer document) relevant to the Securities, which will include written disclosure of the Securities and identification and description of the relevant risk factors. Such a document must be carefully and independently examined by each investor.

The information contained in this document does not and should not constitute legal, accounting and/or tax advice and should not be treated as such. It is suggested that the recipient of this document consider the risks involved in investing in the Securities and/or the business described in this document and/or in the attached documents and obtain legal and tax advice. MTHALES Ltd. assumes that all recipients of this document and its users understand the risks involved in investing in the Securities and businesses described in this document and the documents attached to it.

This document and the documents accompanying it do not constitute any representation of MTHALES Ltd. and/or any of its employees, managers and/or representatives and none of them has and will not have any express and/or implied responsibility in relation to the information contained in this document, the accuracy of the information, its completeness and/or inference on how it can be used, if at all. MTHALES Ltd. and/or any of its employees, managers and/or representatives are not and will not be responsible for any action and/or act taken and/or for any damage caused as a result of any action and/or act based on this document.

This document and any other information attached to it contains classified and private information and is therefore intended for distribution to authorized persons only. If you are not authorized and the direct target of the distribution of the document, you may not distribute the document, copy it, make any changes or adjustments to it and rely on it for future action. The information contained in this document is not intended for reproduction and/or distribution in any form and for any purpose including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, storage of information, and mobile means.

MTHALES Ltd. emphasizes once again for all parties related to it, including investors, distributors, employees, service providers and customers, the duty of confidentiality and the prohibition of distribution of information about the fund, applicable to them, and the heavy, personal consequences that may be caused to them if they violate this duty.
All rights reserved.
